Readmitting Patients in INSIGHT

Patients who were discharged from treatment but then return for another treatment episode within a 3-month period from the date of discharge do not need to repeat the intake process. There two ways that patients can be readmitted: by readmission on the patient menu and a patient being re-directed when taking a new intake survey.

Readmission via the Patient Menu

If you know that the patient is coming back to treatment after being gone for less than 3 months, follow these instructions: 

  1. Locate patients and then click on the 3 blue dots on the right side of their entry.
  2. Choose "Readmit"
  3. A pop up will appear asking you which program they are entering and what counselor is to be assigned. Complete this information and click"readmit."
  4.  A box will pop up that asks if the patient is available to complete their readmission survey. The readmission survey is a brief update questionnaire that asks about:
  • Reason for returning to treatment
  • Substance use since leaving treatment
  • Motivation related to treatment participation
  • Quality of life (e.g. work or school status, general health, interactions with the criminal justice system, etc.)

If the patient is available, select "yes" in the pop-up box and the patient can complete their readmission survey immediately. If the patient is not available, select "no" and the patient will be asked to complete the readmission survey when their next survey is pulled up via "survey links" or when they receive their next survey reminder via text or email.

Readmission via Intake Survey

To decrease duplicates, we have built-in a way to catch patients that aren't readmitted through the normal process. When a patient completes a permission form, if their demographic or contact information matches a patient in INSIGHT that has been discharged recently, they will be asked a number of questions to determine if readmission is more appropriate than a new intake. If it is determined through the questions that this is the same individual, they will be taken to the next appropriate survey.