Vista Online Trainings

Training Modules


Vista now provides self-led training! Over the next several months, will we roll out training modules designed to help inform treatment center staff about effectively using the INSIGHT software.

Accessing Training

You can access the training modules directly from the software. Use the following instructions to access them.

1. Log in to INSIGHT at

2. Click on the "Learning Center" icon at the very bottom of the left-side toolbar. You may need to use the toolbar scroll bar to get to the bottom of the menu. 

3. On the "Learning Center'' dashboard, you will see three different trainings, each for a different access level:

-INSIGHT Training for Clinicians: Training is specific for staff members who have access to information for patients for which they are the primary counselor.

-INSIGHT Training for Managers: Training is specific for staff members who have access to all patient information and are responsible for creating and managing new staff accounts.

-INSIGHT Training for Staff/Assistant Users: Training is specific for staff members who access survey links to administer surveys to patients and do not have access to patient data.

Users with "Manager" access will be able to see a progress bar for all staff.