Staff Metrics

Staff Metrics


We know that gathering good data is all about process. INSIGHT provides a number of ways you can track your team's success with implementing progress monitoring. In this article, we'll discuss the following:

  • Staff logins 
  • Counselor data collection and review of data
  • Counselor and Program Summaries
  • Staff metrics in analytics
Staff Logins

INSIGHT tracks when staff log in to the software and you can quickly see the last time a staff member has logged into the software. 

1. After logging into the software, select either the "Counselors" or "Managers & Staff"  icon on the left side toolbar. 

2. The far right column indicates the last date and time a counselor, manager, or staff member logged in.

Counselor data collection and review of data

Our "Implementation Report" allows you to see metrics about use of the INSIGHT software, including how often counselors are logging in and reviewing patient data. 

1. Select the "Implementation Report" icon on the left side toolbar.

2. To look at how often patient dashboards are viewed per week, review the chart on the right side. You can change the date range at the top of page. 

3. To view all metrics by counselor, select a counselor from the dropdown at the top of the page and adjust the date range. You can view the following by counselor:

  • Patients enrolled in and discharged from INSIGHT
  • Number of dashboard views per patient per week
  • Percent of patients completing at least one update survey in a two-week period
  • Average updates surveys submitted in a 4-week period

Counselor and Program Summaries

Summaries provide a look at patient assessment data across a whole caseload or program. You can access the counselor and program summaries by clicking on the building block icons in the left side tool bar. 

Staff Metrics in Analytics

All of the metrics in analytics can be segmented by counselor. (Only managers with analytics access to view these dashboards. If you'd like to learn more about analytics, reach out to support.

1. Click on the "Data Analytics" icon in the left side toolbar. 

2. On the analytics page, choose the counselor(s) you want to review in the right side toolbar. You can also adjust the date range.