Changing or Resetting Your Password

We always recommend changing your password to something you can remember as soon as possible. 

Changing Your Password

  • Select the "Settings" icon from the left side navigation bar.

  • Make sure you entered your phone number. If not, please enter it and click "Submit" at the bottom of the page. We do not use your cell phone number to contact you. We use your phone number for two-factor authentication. We send you a code and an extra security step when setting or resetting your password. 

  • Once you have stored your phone number, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Change Password."

Upon clicking on "Change Password" and authentication code will be sent to the cell phone number you entered. Entered the code into the box provided, then click "Submit."

After submitting your authentication code, a screen will appear that allows you to change your password. After entering your password twice, click submit. 

  • Once you have entered your password, click “Submit” to save changes.

Forgot Password

If you cannot recall your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link on the sign in screen.

Upon click "Forgot password," if you have a cell phone number saved, you will receive a text message with an authentication code. If you do not have a phone number saved, you will receive an error message and need to contact support (800-215-3201 x2 or

Type in the authentication code that you received and then you will be able to reset your password.