Creating Accounts for New Users

Staff with "Manager" access have the ability to create and manage accounts in INSIGHT. There are four levels of access:

  • Counselors: Counselor access allows clinicians to have access to information for the patients for which they are the primary counselor. They can edit patient information, discharge/readmit patients, view reports, and view history for patients on their caseload. Counselors can receive alerts when their patients complete reports or an alert is triggered. 
  • Assistant/Staff: Assistant/staff access allows staff to access survey links to administer surveys to patients. As of April 2023, they can discharge, readmit and transfer patients. Assistant/staff cannot view reports. 
  • Manager: Manager access allows staff to access all patient information and data. Managers can also create counselor, manager, and assistant accounts, and manage those accounts.  Managers can receive alerts for patients who are assigned to them as a primary counselor, for all patients in a specific program, or for all patients at the center. 

Below you will find instructions for creating counselor, assistant, and manager accounts. If you think you need super manager access, email us.

Creating Counselor Accounts

The following instructions create accounts for clinicians that have patients assigned to them as the primary counselor and only need access to information for those patients. 

1. Create the counselor account

The counselor account allows the counselor to log in to INSIGHT. To create their account, follow the instructions below.

  • Click on the "Counselors" icon in the left side menu bar. The icon looks like two talk bubbles. 

  • Next, click on the "Add Counselor" button located on the upper right side.

  • Enter the following information: 
    • Under "Name": Counselor's first and last name
    • Under "Email": Counselor's work email
    • Under "Title": Counselor's professional title at the treatment center (e.g. counselor, therapist, primary therapist, RN, etc.)
    • Under “Name for text reminders…”: This information will be automatically completed based on the Name entered above
    • There's no need to enter a cell phone number
  • Select "email" as the default notification type

  • If you would like to set the counselor up with a notification schedule, you can do so. This will allow counselors to begin receiving notifications immediately. You may also set the notifications to "never" to prevent the counselor from receiving alerts until they log in and set their alert preferences. Please note that alert times are in the Eastern U.S. time zone. 

  • When you have finished, click "Submit" to save changes

  • After you create the counselor's profile, you will need to send an invitation to them to log in. You can do this by finding the appropriate counseling under the "Counselors" page (the two talk bubbles icon in the left side navigation bar), click on the "three dots" notification icon, and select "Send invitation." 
  • You can also edit counselor information and mark counselors “inactive” in the modifications menu.
  • In the "Edit" menu, you can also edit what program assignments for the counselors. This menu appears after you create the counselor account.

Adding a manager account

To add manager accounts (staff who should have access to all patient information and the ability to edit staff accounts) select the "Managers and Staff" icon (it looks like a laptop) and follow the instructions from Part 2 above. Instead of selecting "Add Counselor" you select "Add Manager." If a Manager will also be seeing patients, populate all of the required user information, then select save. After their profile has been saved click on "edit" from the 3 dot menu next to their name, and select "Change Role". Once complete, click “Submit".

Assigning programs to managers

Managers can receive alerts for specific programs at the treatment center. To select programs, click on the “+” and select the program.  Select the Alert Notifications settings.