Changing Patient Surveys

Sometimes, it may be necessary to modify the patient's survey by adding or omitting assessment questions in their survey. To modify the patient's survey, follow the following instructions.  

  • Navigate to the "Patients" page by click on the "Patients" icon.
  • Find the patient that is need of a survey modification. You can search for patients by name using the search box, or sort using the arrow icons next to "Patient Names." Once you find the correct patient, click on the 3 dots. 

  • After click on the 3 dots, a new menu will appear. Click on "Modify Survey."

  • Find the assessment you would like to change. To add that assessment, change the "N" to "Y." To omit an assessment, change the "Y" to "N."  If applicable, you can also modify Opioid Maintenance, Drug of Choice and Other Area of Concern.  Click Change Conditions Being Monitored when done to save your changes.