Creating Care Teams
The Care Teams feature in Vista allows treatment centers to customize which users have access to a particular patient’s data developing a "care team" in the system. This function allows clinical staff to have caseloads that only show the data of patients they need to review.
Only users with “clinician” or “manager” access can be assigned to a care team. The Care Teams function must be turned on. Please email to turn on the Care Teams function. To assign users to a patient’s care team, please follow the steps below.
On the left sidebar menu, click on the “Patient” icon (looks like a person).
Find the patient that you want to modify. You can search by name using the search bar in the upper right corner.
Click on the 3 dots on the far right of the patient’s entry. A dropdown menu will appear. Select "Care Team History."
Select “Manage Care Team” from the upper right corner. Begin typing the manager or counselor’s name in the “counselor” entry box. You can add as many managers or counselors as needed.
A new window with dropdowns will appear. Select the user you would like to add. If the desired user does not appear in the dropdown, double-check that the user is set up correctly in the system. Please visit Creating accounts for staff and clinicians for more info on setting up and modifying user accounts.
- Enter the date that the users joined the care team. When you have finished editing, click submit.
- To delete users from the care team or manage users on the care team, select "Manage Care Team" on the top-right. When the drop-down appears, click on the "x" next to the user's name to remove them from the care team.